
Saturday, May 29, 2010


Lol, I know it's been like ages since I've posted, but I had two class trips and a research paper, so I'm back! (not that my non-existant veiwers care)
Anywho, I just had an epiphany! wOOt!
I just left the Ravenwood ball, and I saw both Christina Icedreamer from Diary of a Wizard and Leesha Darkheart from Ravenwood Radio! This is the best day of my life!...note the sarcasm.
This is what I wanted to post about. Famous wizards getting mobbed. I gotta say, I pitty them. Who are we, the paparazi? We videogamers do not like disney stars and amazingly fantastic singers who wear too little clothing, we seemed to be obsessed with our bloggers. O.o Every three minutes or so, some random person would shout "LEESHA!" and there was nobody there! The point of the Ravenwood ball was not to meet the famous peoples and try to sqeeze onto their friend lists, but to have a good time, dance, and just sit back and enjoy the show!

Stuck in my head...lala...working on wizarding video for this....lalala...I love the tomatoes!
I saw plenty of great outfits there, but was too OMG RAVENWOOD BALL to actualy take screenshots. :'(
So I've got tons of time this summer (well, every morning after I wake up until noon except for when we're in Paris (OMG) and during camp and freshman orientation and my Galapagos buddies reunion, but that still leaves plenty of time to post!) so I'm thinking I'll be delaying my fashion updates a little bit. :( Oh well. I still have to write my graduation speech, finish my ss project, and PRANK EVERY TEACHER IN THE SCHOOL!!!!!! Phsyced!
Anyways, I'll work on remembering to snap pics of awesome outfits. x writes mental note x For now, I'm farming bosses and trying to get through the Shirikati temple. /shrug
I need a way to sign my posts...first wizard to come up with something good gets some wizardblox codes!
-Brooke Moonstone

Coming soon:
The official Fashionable Diviner official magazine (a spoof off pop culture...ever noticed the other meaning of "culture" that has to do with cheese?)
One of my two fan fic ideas (for either Brooke Moonstone or my Alt, Terri Stardust)
Contests (?)
Tons of Artwork!

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